About Us

Igniting Hope, Fueling Progress in the Fight Against Mitochondrial Disease and Dysfunction

Q & A with Co-Founders Mitzi & Jeff Solomon

What inspired you to start Countdown For A Cure?

Jeff: Our motivation to start Countdown For A Cure stemmed from a deeply personal place. Our cousin Sydney was diagnosed with a mitochondrial disease at the age of eight, severely impacting her balance, vision, speech, and walking. These challenges not only complicate her life but also influence societal perceptions of her intelligence. In 2019, my wife’s severe illness prompted us to begin a journey to find not just a diagnosis, but also a dream team of specialists and lifesaving treatments.

Mitzi: Since birth, I’ve dealt with multiple chronic conditions that affect my energy, muscle function, speech, and overall daily life. As I got older, my symptoms got worse, and by the time I was 41, I couldn’t walk, talk, or use my hands due to tremors and weakness. I even lost my hair. With four children to care for, I knew I had to do whatever it took to regain my quality of life. Today, my energy and symptoms vary daily, but thankfully, I’m in a place where my condition is manageable. It takes a lot of effort and support to maintain my health, but it’s worth it. My personal journey, combined with our family’s experiences, made us realize the importance of mitochondrial research and how much mitochondria matter.

Mitzi: To date- I have an unspecified mitochondrial disease, on the spectrum for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Celiac Disease, Mast Cell Activation and Dysautonomia.

Jeff: You never know what the day will bring. I always try to help her conserve energy by doing daily tasks that would otherwise exhaust her. For example, driving takes a significant toll on her body and it can give out at any moment, so it’s crucial for her to do things that keep her strong. Sometimes, I have to carry her up the stairs at the end of the day, so I’m really pushing for an elevator in our next home! In all seriousness, we definitely face our fair share of challenges, but what doesn’t defeat you makes you stronger, both as an individual and as a family.

Mitzi: Our family’s journey has shown us the power of turning adversity into action. Countdown For A Cure is not only a tribute to our cousins Logan and Emily, a source of strength for our mito-warrior cousin Sydney and myself but also a commitment to paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries that will impact countless lives in the future. When you join us in this mission, you’re not just fueling critical research – you’re also raising awareness, and extending a hand to those grappling with the challenges of mitochondrial disorders and dysfunction.

Jeff: We are firm believers in the importance of mitochondrial research. It’s not just about understanding cellular function, genetic disorders, aging, and diseases—it’s about unlocking the keys to revolutionize medicine. Imagine the possibilities: significant advancements, breakthrough treatments, and potential cures for a whole range of health conditions. We are hopeful that Countdown For A Cure will be a driving force in propelling research forward and ushering in transformative changes that can benefit countless lives.