About Us

Igniting Hope, Fueling Progress in the Fight Against Mitochondrial Disease and Dysfunction

Our Story

Countdown For A Cure is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing mitochondrial research and improving the lives of those affected by diseases linked to mitochondrial dysfunction. Founded in 2024, we partner with leading research institutions and patient advocacy groups, such as the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, to fund cutting-edge science and provide critical support to families.

Our founders, Mitzi and Jeff Solomon, experienced the heart-wrenching reality of mitochondrial disease firsthand, witnessing its devastating impact on their family. This ignited a fire within them – a belief that no one should face this journey alone and that groundbreaking research is the key to a healthier future. They are driven by an unwavering commitment to supporting families, accelerating research, and uniting a community determined to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by mitochondrial disease and all diseases connected to mitochondrial dysfunction.

Together, Countdown For A Cure can transform despair into hope and pave the way toward a cure.